The file GEO_HG_PPI.csv contains the gene expression data of breast cancer patients. The header looks like this: GSM177885,GSM177887,GSM177894,GSM177895,...,GSM615775, probe The last column "probe" contains gene symbol identifiers of human genes. The names of other columns are patients' IDs. There are 969 patients and 6888 genes. The file labels_GEO_HG.csv contains labels for two classes of patients presented in GEO_HG_PPI.csv. The contant of labels_GEO_HG.csv 1) People who had metastatic event during the first 0-5 years (correspond to "1"). 393 patients. 2) People who did not have metastatic event during the first five years and who had the last follow up between 5 and 10 years. No metastatic events at all. This class corresponds to "0". 576 patients. The header looks like this: GSM177885,GSM177887,GSM177894,GSM177895,...,GSM615775 The file HRPD_PPI.csv contains the adjacency matrix with the 6888 genes in the file GEO_HG_PPI.csv